Wednesday 15 June 2016

#data16 - Artilize This - Bethany Lyons

Balancing Art and Analysis in Tableau

Bethany takes some crazy challenges including creating Matt Miller's shoes in Tableau. Mission successful.

This session is not just about Matt's shoes, it's about the mix between quantative analysis and attractive design. 

if you have four measures to create a weighted score for a country-by-country weighting, then a bar chart is easy. But it's not effective. If two countries are the same weighting, it doesn't mean they score the same in each of the individual scores. 

Averaging loses a lot of the context - it's Bethany's Quartet now and no longer Anscombe's! 

Share price data is also true for this across a lot of stocks. A histogram of the daily rate of change is a nice way to look at this.

Stop fighting with the calc to form a certain type of chart and change the chart to make life easier.

Bethany shows an example of overlapping compaign dates and actually when talking through the way she fomulated the calculation logic, she broken it down bit-by-bit. A great lesson of how to solve the seemingly impossible / improbable to solve but do you need the level of precision the calculation is asking you to get to. 

No way I can blog the individual vizs without the data so hopefully Bethany will post these great examples / walkthroughs up! [Hint, hint]

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