Tuesday 8 November 2016

#data16 Visual Design Decisions by Andy Cotgreave

Visual Design Tricks for Dashboarding by Andy at
tabsoft.co/designmonth for the resources

Dashboarding styles and sophistication develops over time. This is true for Andy (and all of us)

Iraq’s bloody toll dashboard is easy to change to change the feel of the dashboard. Here’s the original: http://gravyanecdote.com/tag/iraqs-bloody-toll/
Orientation, colour and title can completely transform the meaning of the dashboard

‘Great designers produce pleasurable experiences’ Don Norman, The Design of Everyday things

User design decisions have some large impacts but it becomes lower level of improvement as you get closer towards over engineering something

Get rid of shading on titles as it adds cognitive load. Remove borders to allow the data to stand out.

Use fewer colours and make it relevant to your data theme. Try building your dashboard in black and white to see if it stills work as a dash and is clear

We have to question the data in multiple ways and through different charts to find the stories in the data

So many ways to interact with a dashboard and the level of tableau awareness will change what people normally do

There are lots of changes that have high impact but some are more time consuming that others. Choose wisely!

Use custom dates to prevent people from accidentally drilling down through the date hierarchy.

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