Wednesday 9 November 2016

Data16 - Developers on Stage

Automatic drill - level of detail goes deeper as you zoom in
Map scaling added in to the maps
Spatial file connector coming in 10.2 beta
Python integration - using python scripts in calculated fields
Tooltip selection - click on the categorical fields in the tooltip to highlight by that selections
Date filters - filter to latest date rather than being stuck on what you originally published as.
Step and Jump lines - squarer trend lines
Advanced conditional formatting

Dashboards and Stories
Distribute evenly to space out your objects on a dashboard
Can add margin around all objects on your dashboard. No more blanks to separate your charts
Expressive text editor - add images and URLs in to text objects (including tooltips)
Web authoring has more right click functionality than before
Story points on the web
Full screen viz on the web

Direct linking from subscription emails and condition warnings
Smooth tooltips for mobile. Also easier selection of small marks in a movie cuz. Like selecting where to enter text on a phone when holding down your finger.
Commenting on the go (not just in Desktop and Server)
Offline interactivity

Joins on calculated fields
Database unions
New data connectors: pdfs, JSON

Server client library makes it easier to write simple scripts
RET API: JSON and CORS support
GetData() 3rd Party Charting libraries
Mobile App bootstrap - on GitHub now

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