Wednesday, 24 October 2018

TC18 - Devs on Stage

Tableau have a 1,000 developers working across the product suite

Dashboards - Amanda Luthy
Transparent background on visualisations in dashboards. Transparent Layout Containers too (now called zones) 2018.3
Toggle zone visibility - like the former hamburger menu pop-out 2018.3
Vector tile maps - more responsive mapping.
New background maps - topographic and satellite styles to build on traditional Tableau mapping
Navigation buttons - no more workarounds. Work even with hidden tabs (a favourite annoyance of most users). Can choose custom images 2018.3
Export to PowerPoint (excuse me whilst I cry a little - not with glee) 2019.1

Collaboration- Alex Vertin
Public - 1.5 m vizzes, 1.5 billion views
Add Attribution to Tableau Public
New Alert side panel on Server - add yourself to an existing alert 2019.1
New mobile app - biometric authentication, project navigation, interactive offline previews (scrolling, highlighting and tooltips) 2019.1
Automatic phone layouts - can still edit yourself 2019.1

Data Model - Swati Srivastav
The challenge of Tableau forming single tables often makes for large extracts and slower extracts (2018.3)
Multiple Table extracts start to solve this. HyPer can hold tables separately.
Security - encryption at rest
Drag and drop file load in web edit, federated joins and custom sql
LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Developer - Keshia Rose
Extension gallery updates
Extension API updates - write back updates
Support for webhooks - push notifications for events on server (ie failed extracts), can send feeds in to Slack / Convo etc will include snapshot

Analytics - Denny Bromley
Filtered nested sorting (sorting in a single column or a single row but both of the sorts persist)
Parameter actions - parameters filled by any of the action types (creates a lot more dynamic analysis). Time calculations - more interactive and simple once parameter actions set up
Set actions - sets hold multiple values where as parameters just hold one. Add elements to sets by just clicking. Click on one element to drill further (ie just one section of the treemap or table to drill in to a hierarchy further)

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

UBS - Deploying Tableau at Scale

Paul Banoub

Runs a CoE (Centre of Excellence)
Self service model

Ability to handle a growing amount of work
Scalability involves performance, maintenance and expenditure
14,000 unique monthly users on server now compared to starting this on a box under his desk

Infrastructure and Tableau Architecture
Online gives you scalability but you lose control of some elements (Postgres database)
48 core environment (v10.3)
Different environments: Production, DR, UAT, Engineering, alpha, beta and Tabjolt / tabmon/ Viz alerts
Build the relationships with the infrastructure departments to get the best of their support and facilities
Upgrades are great but increase require more hardware. You can disable if you need to.
Keep close to Postgres, you will be rewarded to do so
Use open source tools to help avoid harder challenges (like tabjolt / log shark / lumberjack etc). Tableau Replayer - can push historical logs back in to a server environment to show what has happened and why
Splunk to aggregate logs to then do the analysis and not be at risk of handling sensitive data

Service & Support
Use an appropriate service model - how much self-service vs governed?
Self service best for scalability as lowest central demand
Focus on talent recruitment and keep up with R&D
Beware of key dependencies
Efficiency - get the help requests to the right place - servicenow for tickets, Tableau Doctor for the harder stuff and forums for the questions
Users can not be trusted
Housekeeping - delete after 100 days, old subscriptions binned, long running extracts

Training and Community
Create a community with whichever social hub your company offers
Use Tableau champions as an extension of your team
Beware cultural challenges

Vendor & Costs
Customer success program pushing UBS to do more as much as UBS pushes Tableau
Understand your Total Cost of Ownership
Understand the other tools so you know whether they are good or not and why

TC18 - Opening Keynote

Tableau prep developments
Data roles - built in definitions for email address, URL (all within one click on the smart recommendation icon).
Custom data role - create your own rules
Recommendations for fixing data (filter or fix)
Highlighting the flow - highlights where changes have been made based on the field you select
R and Python scripts able to be run in Prep (ie sentiment scoring)
Tableau Prep Conductor - add-on to server to publish and administer flows. Sits in alongside the existing server.

Data Modelling
Choose source table and then choose ‘related tables’.
As long as Primary and Other kres are set-up then the rest of the dataset will be formed
Tableau will automatically work out which table to pick so it avoids duplication
Measures are part of the table of origin rather than just being pushed together
Will determine the join type to use (reducing the need to scaffold)

Natural Language
Ask Data coming in 2019.1
Type in what you want to analyse / just ask your question and Tableau will form the visualisation which can then ask further questions of